About Pets 4 Vets Canada
Our Story

Hi, my name is Dan and I struggle with PTSD...
When I was a small child, I looked up to my father's parents. Both were WWII veterans and they each had lots of uniform pieces, stories, pictures and my undivided attention. I so wanted to follow in their footsteps but I had a huge problem, I hated to get dirty. Imagine for a second, your 8 year old playing construction in the sandbox and taking breaks to go wash their hands every 20 minutes. Yes, my parents were slightly worried about me then, lol.
Fast forward to 2002 and I signed the papers to become a regular force police officer in the Canadian Military. It was a dream come true, I had previously dipped my toes in the lifestyle as a Medical Assistant (Medic). Got some "camping" out of the way and learned to deal with it.
I had a good career in the military, I got to police in different provinces and communities. I was on large bases and tiny ones. Learned how to communicate with all the stakeholders. My longest secondary responsibility within the Branch was as a Use of Force Instructor but I also was part of the platoon and played Army. I think my favourite course was the Anti Terrorist Evasive Driving course followed very closely to the Air Marshal Course which was also the most demanding course I took.
After my tour to the Sandbox, there was definitely a change in me. I began by being irritated most of the time, followed by angry outbursts, paranoia, risky behaviours and isolation. During this time, my only trusty companions were my Jack Russell Terriers, Buster and Bailey. Buster we rescued in the nick of time. It was crazy, a station wagon with 20+ JRTs were in the back. The lady reached in and plucked out Buster. He was great and helped my spouse while I was overseas. Bailey, was a pure bred JRT that we got from a breeder, we couldn't resist and she was a gift for my spouse after her first tour. She remains our only non rescue and after 14 years, she is still with us and beside me right now as I type this at my feet. Buster unfortunately passed over the rainbow bridge, April 2019.
During these years, my spouse and I had our first child, my third. I thought my mental state was fine but there were signs. With every ounce of my body screaming, I reached out for help. I finally began receiving treatment and began to see improvements in my life. In 2022, I pushed for a service dog and as there was no Veterans Affairs money for dogs, I began a Go Fund me and started training her. It was now the hardest thing I have ever taken on because of all the mental blocks and self doubt that kept creeping up on me. I recognize these challenges and they have not defeated me yet.
It was during this research and training phase that I learned the immense benefit to the companionship that a pet brings to the table. I look back over my own journey and realized how much my three dogs and two cats affect my mood in a day. The second part to this was how much my spouse and I are helping the rescues and societies with various fundraisers. There is a definite crisis in North America's shelters. So my idea was born. I match a loving, healthy shelter pet with a struggling, suffering veteran that like myself was going down hill and needed something to help them out of the dark.
I hope that you take a look around the site, buy a coin, leave a note or follow our social media. Thank you.
